Thursday, October 19, 2006

British Airways' new campaign against religion

It is interesting to see the furore developing in the UK over Nadia Eweida's wearing, on her necklace, a cross.

Nadia Eweida is of Egyptian descent and has for years been a highly-regarded employee of British Airways, but she was suddenly asked to remove her cross because it was held to be no longer in conformance with BA's regulations regarding uniforms.

The cross in question is the size of a five-pence piece or, for those not familiar with old British coins, about the size of three thumbnails.

Media discussion seems to be focusing on whether or not wearing such a symbol is "essential" to Christianity. However, that is entirely beside the point.

Why has British Airways suddenly starting persecuting people who wear a cross?

This is not, I understand, because BA is anti-Christian.

It must therefore be because British Airways believes that eliminating the cross will help health and hygiene. As well as the punctuality with which aircraft take off and arrive. Not to mention the level of service to passengers.

This is a victory to the campaigning atheists and secularists who are fortunately gaining ascendancy in British Airways.

It is indeed admirable to see atheists, secularists and British Airways now joining the band of those who do not tolerate beliefs that deviate from their own. Sphere: Related Content

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